
IP address
Russian Federation, Москва
Contact name
Фролов Георгий Олегович
+7 495 937-23-71


Drug-technical raw materials

balm lemon herb, blood-red hawthorn fruits, blueberry berries, blueberry starts, common persicaria herb, creeping thyme herb, drooping birch leaves, fragrant chamomile blooms, high vitamin rose hips fruits, hypericum herb, milfoil blooms, origanum herb, salvia leaves, wild camomile blooms

Berries and Fruits

blood-red hawthorn, blueberry, high vitamin rose hips


Drug-technical raw materials

aerva lanata herb, balm lemon herb, bearberry leaves, bearberry starts, big-sting nettle leaves, black currant fruits, blind weed herb, blood-red hawthorn blooms, blood-red hawthorn fruits, blueberry berries, blueberry starts, bur beggar-ticks herb, bur beggar-ticks leaves, calendula blooms , celandine herb, chiccory roots, common burdock roots, common dandelion roots, common licorice roots, common melilot herb, common persicaria herb, cranberry fruits, creeping thyme herb, dooryard plantain herb, eucalyptus leaves, flax seeds, fragrant chamomile blooms, high vitamin rose hips fruits, holy thistle fruits, horseheal roots, hypericum herb, immortelle inflorescences, knot grass herb, low vitamin rose hips fruits, marsh cinquefoil herb, milfoil blooms, milfoil herb, mortification root, mortification root herb, motherwort herb, origanum herb, peppermint leaves, raspberry fruits, raspberry leaves, raspberry starts, red bilberry fruits, red bilberry leaves, salvia leaves, toadpipe herb, valeriana officinalis roots, wild camomile blooms, wild strawberry fruits

Additional information

Предлагаем к продажи Травяные сборы измельченные, отбитые от пыли для фармацевтического, чайного и др. производства. Размер частиц 2-2,20 мм. Растворимые гранулированные травы и смеси. Мелкомолотые травя, фрукты и ягоды.

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