Плодово-ягодная компания "Сургутское" (торговая марка ЯФО) Send message to user |
12 January 2018
Fruit company “Surgutskoe” (Trade mark YAFO)- manufacturer of berries and apples shows especial appreciation to the marketplace of berries, mushrooms and herbs www.yagod-market.com. Since 2009 year, it is time when our company started to sell fresh berries, the YAGOD-MARKET portal became an irreplaceable assistant and partner in that business. Laconicism, easy of use, convenience and the absence of the of excessive information allows YAGOD-MARKET to be the general tool for monitoring and searching of reliable partners on the berries market. I wish good success to YAGOD-MARKET portal in further work and good luck with new stage of development. Commercial department head of YAFO trade mark Prikazchikov Anatoly Anatolevich. |
ООО «Айсленд» |
29 November 2017
Letter of Recommendation “Iceland” Ltd, being the supplier of frozen mushrooms, berries, vegetables and fruits, places advertisements for sale and purchase of goods at website Yagod-Market (yagod-market.com) It is really a convenient and effective instrument for searching business partners in the market of mushrooms and berries. As a result of placed ads on the website, we have found a lot of customers and concluded many profitable deals, the subscription for the mailout in respect of our range of goods helps us to be in touch with of market prices for the analogous products. I recommend website “Yagod-Market” as a convenient and well-trusted instrument of the supplier. Best Regards, Director General – A.P. Nikolaev. |
Торговый дом "Пегас" Send message to user |
28 November 2017
Letter of Gratitude “Pegas” company, in the name of director Karpov Oleg Nikolaevich encloses the gratitude for the performance of the website www.yagod-market.ru. Our cooperation is lasted for 4 years: convenient, quick and there is a lot of useful information. We have found many new partners through your website and continue active cooperation with them. May success wait upon you! Karpov Oleg Nikolaevich. |
ООО «ЛенПтица» Send message to user |
28 November 2017
Letter of Gratitude “LenPtitsa” Ltd encloses the gratitude to the trading platform “Yagod-Market”. We have got regular customers in respect of procured wild crops by placing our advertisements on the base of that trading platform. Taking into account that it was a new ground for us, the data published on the platform, plus price survey were of the great assistance and helped us to take in the market. Wish you good luck and continuous development. Sales director – V.A. Kuznetsov. |